
Richard Todd Myhre

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Richard Todd Myhre , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

22 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Former Co-Worker
Date: 03/23/2004
Message: Richard left behind a wife and a son. He was the nicest, craziest guy you would ever want to meet. The world lost a shining star the day he was taken from us.

From: Rachel Lilien Breslin
Date: 11/03/2006
Message: A month or so ago, I had the good fortune of enjoying an impromptu reunion with a few of my dormitory roommates and hallmates from the University at Buffalo. I was devastated to find out at that time that my dear friend Richard--or Rich-ARD, as I fondly called him--was among those who lost their lives on 9/11. Rich was one of the kindest, most generous and funniest people I've ever known, and I am truly saddened to the core to know that I will never see him again. To his parents, his brothers, his wife and son, please know that Rich's memory lives on in my heart, and in the hearts of Sandy, Alison, Turk and John.

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy