
Brian Cannizzaro

Appearing below are messages from others who wish to extend their thoughts, sympathy and words of kindness to the family and friends Brian Cannizzaro , who passed away on September 11th, 2001.

22 Years Later...We Shall Never Forget

From: Rena Cannizzaro
Date: 09/11/2004
Message: me and my family will never forget you

From: Roberto Cannizzaro
Date: 11/05/2004
Message: sono SEMPRE con TE ti abbraccio tanto e sono fiero di essere un CANNIZZARO una carezza

From: Christopher Cannizzaro
Date: 02/13/2005
Message: I donot know

From: Amber Cannizzaro
Date: 03/07/2006
Message: I never had the pleasure of meeting you Brian, but you are still me hero. Thank you for sacrificing yourself to save others, you truely are an inspiration.

From: Stephanie
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: I miss you Uncle B and I think about the fun we had at the New Years Eve party all the time! I love you!

From: Stephanie
Date: 09/11/2006
Message: I miss you Uncle B and I think about the fun we had at the New Years Eve party all the time! I love you! I'll never forget you!

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List of names as provided by CNN.com
Site by Glass Castle, LIHQ and Something Fishy